Christmas Hamper Winner
Congratulations to our Christmas Hamper Winner – Maureen Boyd. Maureen takes away a fantastic hamper worth over € 300 stuffed full of Club apparel and treats.
Congratulations to our Christmas Hamper Winner – Maureen Boyd. Maureen takes away a fantastic hamper worth over € 300 stuffed full of Club apparel and treats.
Pictured are Captain Helene Duignan with Monday Ball ladies Margaret Nevin and Sandra Hopper and Louise from BUMBLEance
BUMBLEance is the worlds first Children’s Ambulance service specifically designed and tailored for Children. They are non government funded so every penny raised counts and the very generous Monday ball team raised € 2,020
Pictured are Dave Smyth and Aideen Mc Mahon handing over a cheque for € 11,400 to Grace Kelly Hartnett CEO of The Anne Sullivan Centre. Funds were raised on their Joint Captains charity day – well done to all involved in raising such an impressive total for such a wonderful charity.
Pictured are Dave Smyth, Men’s Captain and DUGS Captain Nicholas Dillon
The annual match between Carrickmines & DUGS (Dublin University Golf Society) first took place in 1946, with the trophy being presented for the first time in 1959.
Carrickmines were the winners this year on what was a vey enjoyable day for all involved – we look forward to welcoming the DUGS back to us next year.
Many congratulations to our ladies Mark Bloom Trophy team which won the Mark Bloom Trophy in nail biting fashion yesterday (Sunday 8th September) in Kilmashogue with a 19 hole finish, having squared the match over 2 legs. The win was an historic three in a row for the club.
Pictured are the winning team, with their Manager. From left, Karen Dalton, Aideen McMahon (Ladies Captain), Meriel Walker, Sarah Acton (Team Manager), Cathy Parker, Paula Dowdall and Michelle Dowling. On their way to the final the team were ably abetted by their subs Maria Maume, Mandy Hollwey and Helene Duignan along the Assistant Manager, Anna Walshe and the many supporters who turned up yesterday and on previous days in various clubs.
There was wonderful golf to be seen and great fun was had by all on the Junior Finals day held on Sunday 25th August. We had a fantastic turnout of both players and parents. Congratulations to all the participants and the winners of our various trophies.
Pictured on the left are Barry Rice, one of our Junior Convenors and Finlay Rice, our Junior Captain, presenting The Cunningham Cup to the winner Oisin Sturgeon. On the right we have Barry, Simon Davis and Finlay presenting the Davis Cup to the winner, Emily Rose Rice
Winners of the Golfer of the Year trophies are pictured below with (on the left) Emily Rose Rice being presented with the Dowling Cup by Merle Dowling and on the right Mark O’Leary being presented with the Cunningham Cup by Barry and Finlay.
Below we have a photo of all our Academy players
Mark O’Leary, winner of the Woodbrook Golf Club Junior Open with score of 50 pts, being presented with his trophy by the Woodbrook Captains, Sean Brosnan & Carol Brady
Charlie Pattison also featured in the prizes coming 3rd with a score of 47pts.
Carrickmines Golf Club Audited Annual Accounts 2023
The Carrickmines Golf Club Financial statements
Carrickmines Golf Club Trustee Company Audited Annual Accounts 2023
Great to see a group of our Elder Statesmen enjoying a get together in the Club